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Reunite with whom, with what? After 7 weeks of solitary confinement, in which you have alternately cried cooked spilled tears and anger or smiles and good mood, yoga or running, pasta or rice, meat fish or I become a vegetarian .... reuniting is the only thing I'd like right now.
 I've always traveled farther and farther because otherwise... what taste there is to go where I can go at any time ... now, I just want to go back to my family, doze off on the rocking chair  watch the ants carry very heavy balls in very long lines. Or play tennis with her on the beach when the sun disappears behind Stromboli. Or simply wake up, go down and grab a fig from the fridge while mom prepares me coffee, yeah I can do it on my own but if she prepares it is always better. There must be a secret she doesn't want to reveal in her coffee, because it's never so tasty when I do it by myself.
I look at flights and rules and Schengen and here yes, there you cannot go, but if you are registered with AIRE we will let you pass but you must bring us a self-certification and an arancino otherwise we will block you in Rome.
I can't take any more rules; of numbers, of virologists and infectologists, of soap that peels my hands, of loneliness, I can't stand being alone anymore, I am not made to be alone for more than 2 days and for 7 weeks I have only seen my feet go farther and farther and quicker on that damned soil of the park. I don't seem to see them for years and actually I saw them in February but what does it matter? We saw each other on video, we laughed and cried, discussed and joked and yet it's not like having them here, like being there. Reuniting implies that you approach someone close, otherwise it would be said in another way. Re-uniting: come again from whoever you want, from what makes you feel that that UN of reuniting has finally found its missing puzzle piece.


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